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Hotels near Langgade Station in Copenhagen

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Book a hotel close to Langgade S-Train Station now

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Copenhagen Langgade S-Train Station

Langgade is a station on S-train lines C and H between Copenhagen city centre and Flintholm. Neighbouring S-train stations are Valby and Peter Bangs Vej. Langgade Station is located in Valby Langgade, a major street in Valby, which is a suburb of Copenhagen in the south-west. Other streets near Langgade Station are Blankavej, Vilhelm Topsoes Vej, and Dronning Dagmars Alle.

Hotels near Langgade Station in Copenhagen

You won’t find many hotels close to Langgade Train Station. There are a few hotels near Valby Station (the next S-train stop in the city centre direction), but overall this part of Copenhagen is not a typical tourist destination. More hotels can be found near other S-train stations closer to Copenhagen city centre.

Other hotel locations near Langgade Train Station

Langgade is 4 stops (less than 10 minutes by train) from Main Train Station, which is also called Kobenhavn H in the S-train network. The concentration of hotels near Copenhagen Main Station is among the highest in the city. The central station is also a good hub for exploring Copenhagen’s diverse landmarks and attractions. It is just next to Tivoli Amusement Park and only a very short walk from Copenhagen City Hall and the long shopping street Stroget.

Besides the Main Train Station, you can also find good hotels near Vesterport and Norreport, the two immediately following S-train stops in the centre.

Copenhagen Langgade hotel booking

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