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Hotels near Flintholm Station in Copenhagen

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Book a hotel near Flintholm S-train and Metro Station

This page covers accommodation near Flintholm S-train and metro station in Copenhagen. You can sort or filter the hotels by review score, price, stars, or distance from Flintholm Station:

Copenhagen Flintholm Train Station

Flintholm is one of the busiest stations outside Copenhagen city centre. It is the interchange of the metro and two S-train corridors (Frederikssundbanen and Ringbanen). As a result, although it is quite far from Copenhagen inner city, Flintholm has fast and very frequent train and metro connections to the city centre.

Flintholm Station location

Flintholm Station is located between Flintholm Alle and Grondals Parkvej (both are street names) in the west of Frederiksberg and east of Vanlose. Other nearby stations are Vanlose (S-train stop and metro terminus), Lindevang (metro), Grondal, Peter Bangs Vej, and KB Hallen (all S-train stops).

Hotels close to Flintholm S-train and Metro Station

There are few hotels close to Flintholm Station, but you can find more hotels in other places with direct S-train or metro connections from Flintholm (search hotels directly and see map using the following link or see more details below).

Popular hotel locations in Copenhagen

There are several very popular hotel locations in Copenhagen (for all kinds of tastes and budgets) with excellent public transport access to Flintholm.

Hotels with direct metro connection to Flintholm

On Copenhagen metro, both lines M1 and M2 take you from Flintholm to areas such as Norreport or Kongens Nytorv, which have many good hotels, shops, and attractions around. The metro ride takes about 10 minutes.

Hotels with direct S-train connection to Flintholm

By S-train, you can get directly from Flintholm to Copenhagen Main Train Station (Kobenhavn H) or Vesterport, which have the highest concentration of hotels in Copenhagen and are close to Tivoli Park, Copenhagen City Hall, and other landmarks. It takes 10-15 minutes by S-train from Flintholm to the centre.

Copenhagen Flintholm Station hotel booking

It is recommended to book accommodation early, particularly if you are less flexible with dates or on budget.

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