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Hotels near KB Hallen Station in Copenhagen

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Find a hotel near Copenhagen KB Hallen Station

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KB Hallen S-train Station in Copenhagen

KB Hallen S-train Station is named after K.B. Hallen, a multi-purpose hall, used mainly for ball games (such as tennis, volleyball, or basketball), concerts, and exhibitions, which accidentally burned to the ground in September 2011. The station is on S-train line F (Ringbanen) between Alholm and Flintholm. It is situated in Peter Bangs Vej (street), next to the large Frederiksberg sports area.

Hotels close to Copenhagen KB Hallen Station

The number of hotels near KB Hallen Station is very low. Most hotels are located to the east from KB Hallen, in the direction to Copenhagen city centre.

Hotels in Copenhagen city centre near KB Hallen Station

The best way how to get from KB Hallen to Copenhagen city centre is by metro (take S-train 1 stop to Flintholm, or take a bus several stops to Fasanvej – these are both metro stations). Popular hotel locations in Copenhagen city centre with convenient public transport connections to KB Hallen include Norreport and Kongens Nytorv (both are directly on the metro and close to many tourist attractions and shops).

Other good locations for accommodation are Radhuspladsen or Copenhagen Main Train Station (you can get there by S-train from KB Hallen, but you need to change trains at Danshoj or Flintholm).

Copenhagen KB Hallen hotel booking

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