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Hotels near Fuglebakken Station in Copenhagen

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Book a hotel near Fuglebakken Train Station now

This page covers accommodation near Fuglebakken S-train Station (line F) in the northern part of Copenhagen. You can filter or sort the hotels by price, stars, review rating, or location:

Copenhagen Fuglebakken S-train Station

Fuglebakken Train Station is located in the northern part of Copenhagen, north of Frederiksberg and west of Norrebro. The station is situated in Borups Alle, near its big crossing with Hillerodgade and Bispeengbuen. Smaller streets close to Fuglebakken Station include Solsortvej, Fuglebakkevej, Vibevej, and Hvidkildevej.

Fuglebakken Station is on S-train line F between Norrebro Station and Grondal Station. It also has direct bus connections to various places in Copenhagen city centre, such as Radhuspladsen or Vesterport.

Hotels close to Fuglebakken Train Station in Copenhagen

There are not many hotels close to Fuglebakken Train Station, nor in nearby streets. This station is quite far outside the city centre, although the public transport connections to more popular tourist and hotel areas are fast and frequent. Several hotels can be found in the nearby districts of Norrebro and Frederiksberg.

Hotels in Copenhagen city centre with good access to Fuglebakken

Popular hotel locations in the centre of Copenhagen with good public transport connections from Fuglebakken Station include Norreport Station, Copenhagen City Hall (at Radhuspladsen), Stroget shopping street, Tivoli Park, or Copenhagen Central Train Station. When taking as S-train from Fuglebakken to the city centre, you need to change trains at one of the follwing stations: Ryparken, Hellerup, or Flintholm.

Copenhagen Fuglebakken Station hotel booking

Many hotels in Copenhagen can often be sold out, particularly in the peak periods such as public holidays, weekends, or during the summer season. It is recommended to book accommodation early, especially if you are not flexible with dates.

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