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Hotels near Enghave Station in Copenhagen

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Book a hotel near Copenhagen Enghave S-train Station

This page covers hotels and hotel locations near Enghave Train Station in Copenhagen. You can filter or sort the hotels by number of stars, price, review rating, or distance from Enghave Station:

Enghave Train Station in Copenhagen

Enghave Station is situated next to the crossing of Enghavevej and Sonder Boulevard in the south-western part of Copenhagen (western part of Vesterbro, south of Frederiksberg). The station and the main street are named after Enghaven, the nearby park. Enghave is the S-train station closest to Vega Music Club and Carlsberg Museum. Neighbouring S-train stations are Dybbolsbro and Valby. Enghave is 2 stops from Copenhagen Main Train Station (Kobenhavn H).

Hotels close to Enghave Station in Copenhagen

The majority of hotels near Enghave Train Station are concentrated in the north-east – in the heart of Vesterbro district, closer to the other end of Sonder Boulevard, and around Halmtorvet. You can get there in about 15 minutes by walk from Enghave Station, but the hotels are actually closer to Dybbolsbro or Main Train Station. Vesterbro district is a very nice place to stay in Copenhagen and a good location between Enghave and the inner city. Most hotels near Enghave are 3 star or 4 star hotels, but you will also find some cheap hotels (cheap on Copenhagen terms).

Popular hotel locations with direct S-train connection to Enghave

There are also many good hotels along the main S-train corridor in Copenhagen inner city – the stations following Kobenhavn H are:

These stations have very frequent S-train connections to Enghave.

Copenhagen Enghave S-train Station hotel booking

Book your hotel early, especially if you are less flexible with dates or on budget.

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