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Hotels near the Little Mermaid in Copenhagen

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Book a hotel near Copenhagen Little Mermaid now

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Little Mermaid (Den Lille Havfrue) in Copenhagen

Copenhagen’s best known tourist attraction is Den Lille Havfrue, the Little Mermaid – a small statue of a mermaid sitting on a big stone in the water off the shore of Langelinie, a long park and promenade stretching along the coast from Churchillparken to Copenhagen cruise ship and ferry port. There are several other landmarks near the Little Mermaid, including Kastellet (citadel), Gefion Fountain, and Ivar Huitfeldt Column. The nearest S-train station is Osterport (behind the Kastellet). The nearest metro station is Kongens Nytorv (behind the royal palace, south of Langelinie).

Hotels close to Little Mermaid in Copenhagen

The Little Mermaid is situated in the northern end of Copenhagen city centre and the number of hotels is not high. The hotels closest to the Little Mermaid are the two 3 star “Comfort Hotels”: Comfort Hotel Xpress Copenhagen at Oslo Plads next to Osterport Train Station and Comfort Hotel Esplanaden in Bredgade at the southern end of Langelinie (near Gefion Fountain).

Other hotel locations near Little Mermaid

Higher concentration of hotels is available in the central parts of Copenhagen inner city – in places such as Kongens Nytorv (10 minutes walk from the Little Mermaid), Stroget shopping street, or Copenhagen Main Train Station.

Copenhagen Little Mermaid hotel booking

Many hotels in Copenhagen can be fully booked long in advance, particularly in the summer season or around public holidays. It is strongly recommended to book accommodation early, especially if you are not flexible with dates and have limited budget (room rates can be high in Copenhagen when booking late).

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