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Hotels near Sydhavn Station in Copenhagen

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Book a hotel near Copenhagen Sydhavn Station now

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Copenhagen Sydhavn S-Train Station

Sydhavn is a station in the south-western part of Copenhagen, on the S-train line to Hundige and Koge, only 2 stops from Copenhagen Main Train Station (Kobenhavn H). It is located in the area called Sydhavn (South Port) – at Sydhavns Plads (square), which is the crossing of Vasbygade, Enghavevej, P. Knudsens Gade, and Sydhavnsgade. Sydhavn Station is near the south-eastern end of Vestre Cemetery.

Hotels close to Sydhavn Station in Copenhagen

Although Sydhavn is not far from Copenhagen city centre, the number of hotels immediately close to the S-train station is very low. The nearest location with several hotels is the area around Fisketorvet Shopping Centre and Kalvebod Brygge (embankment), which is about 10-15 minutes walk from Sydhavn Station and actually closer to Dybbolsbro, the next S-train stop in the city centre direction.

Other hotel locations near Sydhavn Train Station

There are many hotels in the streets west of the S-train tracks between Dybbolsbro and Copenhagen Main Train Station, 1 and 2 stops (less than 5 minutes) from Sydhavn. Good streets with hotels include Colbjornsensgade, Istedgade, and Helgolandsgade. Here you can see more information about hotels near Copenhagen Main Train Station.

On the other side of the Main Train Station, there are already the best known places and tourist attractions (with many hotels around), such as Tivoli Amusement Park, Copenhagen City Hall, and the long shopping street Stroget.

Copenhagen Sydhavn hotel booking

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