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Hotels near Parken Stadium in Copenhagen

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Book a hotel close to Parken Stadium (FC Copenhagen)

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Parken Stadium in Copenhagen

Parken Stadium is the home stadium to football club FC Copenhagen and also serves as Danish national football stadium. Besides football games (Danish football league, Champions League, or Europa League), Parken Stadium is often the venue of big concerts.

Parken Stadium location

Parken Stadium is located near Trianglen Square (the nearest public transport hub) in Copenhagen Osterbro district. From two sides the stadium is surrounded by a large park, Faelledparken. Major streets near Parken Stadium include Osterbrogade, Norre Alle, and Jagtvej. The nearest S-train stations are Nordhavn and Osterport, though both are more than 15 minutes walk away.

Hotels near Copenhagen Parken Stadium

There are not many hotels in Osterbro district – only a few hotels within 5 or 10 minutes walk from Parken Stadium. The best for accommodation near Parken Stadium is probably the area around Osterport Train Station – it is still within walking distance from the stadium and also from Copenhagen inner city (most tourist attractions, shops, and bars). Osterport Station naturally also has excellent public transport connections.

Other hotel locations near Parken Stadium and Osterport

Other popular hotel areas in Copenhagen are the surroundings of S-train stations Vesterport and Kobenhavn H (Hovedbanegarden – Main Train Station). These two stations are 2 and 3 stops from Osterport on the main S-train corridor, therefore intervals between trains are short. The stations are very close to one another and also close to many landmarks, such as Tivoli Park, Radhuspladsen, or Stroget Street.

Copenhagen Parken Stadium hotel booking

Book your hotel well in advance, especially when you are coming for a big football game or concert.

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