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Hotels near Sjaelor Station in Copenhagen

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Book a hotel close to Sjaelor Train Station now

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Sjaelor S-train Station in Copenhagen

Sjaelor is a station on Copenhagen S-train line to Hundige and Koge. Neighbouring stations are Sydhavn (in the city centre direction) and Ny Ellebjerg (in Koge direction). Sjaelor Station is situated next to the crossing of Sjaelor Boulevard and Carl Jacobsens Vej. Other major streets near Sjaelor Station are P. Knudsens Gade, Ellebjergvej, and Borgmester Christiansens Gade.

Hotels near Copenhagen Sjaelor Station

It is hard to find a hotel near Sjaelor Station, because this part of Copenhagen is outside the city centre and outside of the interest of most tourists. Most hotels are closer to other S-train stations (there are relatively short distances between individual S-train stops in this part of Copenhagen).

Hotels close to other S-train stations near Sjaelor

Good S-train stations for accommodation are particularly Dybbolsbro (2 stops from Sjaelor), Kobenhavn H – Main Train Station (3 stops), and Vesterport (4 stops). Popular hotel locations, but with considerably fewer hotels, are also Norreport (5 stops from Sjaelor) and Osterport (6 stops).

Copenhagen Sjaelor Station hotel booking

It is recommended to book hotels early, especially if you are not flexible regarding dates of your stay in Copenhagen or if you want to come in a busy period (e.g. summer season or weekends).

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