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Hotels near Vigerslev Alle Station in Copenhagen

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Book a hotel near Vigerslev Alle Station now

This page covers hotel locations close to Vigerslev Alle S-train Station in Copenhagen-Valby. Here you can search hotels directly or read more information below:

Copenhagen Vigerslev Alle S-train Station

Vigerslev Alle is a street and also an S-train station in Valby, a south-western suburb of Copenhagen. Vigerslev Alle Station is on S-train line F between Ny Ellebjerg and Danshoj. It is also very close to Valby S-train Station, though that is on different line.

Hotels near Copenhagen Vigerslev Alle Station

The number of hotels near Vigerslev Alle Station and in Valby in general is extremely limited. You can try to search nearby hotels using the following link and see hotels on a map. Nevertheless, most hotels you will see are actually closer to other S-train stations than to Vigerslev Alle.

Other hotel locations near Vigerslev Alle

It is only a few S-train stops (several minutes train ride) from Vigerslev Alle to Copenhagen city centre (you need to change trains either at Ny Ellebjerg or Danshoj). Good S-train stations near Vigerslev Alle with many hotels are especially Dybbolsbro, Copenhagen Main Train Station, and Vesterport.

Vigerslev Alle Station hotel booking

Given the limited accommodation capacities near Vigerslev Alle (and to some extent in whole Copenhagen), it is important to book hotels early, especially if you want to come in a busy period (such as weekends or holidays) or if you are not flexible with dates.

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