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Hotels near Svanemollen Station in Copenhagen

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Book a hotel near Svanemollen S-train Station now

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Svanemollen Train Station in Copenhagen

Svanemollen Station is located in the northern part of Copenhagen, between Osterbro and Hellerup. It is the last station before the S-train corridor divides in two branches (to Hillerod and Farum). Neighbouring S-train stations are Nordhavn (in city centre direction), Hellerup (in Hillerod direction), and Ryparken (in Farum direction). Important streets near Svanemollen Station are Strandvaenget (along the sea coast to the south), Strandvejen (along the coast to the north to Hellerup), Ryvangs Alle, and Osterbrogade (the main street in Osterbro).

Hotels close to Svanemollen Station in Copenhagen

Other hotel locations near Copenhagen S-trains

The S-train services between Svanemollen and stations in Copenhagen city centre are fast and frequent. Most of the stations in the inner city are very popular hotel locations – particularly Kobenhavn H (Hovedbanegarden – Main Train Station), Vesterport, and Norreport. It takes about 5-10 minutes to get from Svanemollen to these places.

Booking Copenhagen Svanemollen Station hotels

Accommodation capacities near Svanemollen Station are very limited. It is highly recommended to book your hotel early, especially if you are not flexible with dates or on budget.

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