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Hotels near Nordhavn Station in Copenhagen

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Book a hotel near Copenhagen Nordhavn Train Station

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Nordhavn S-train Station in Copenhagen

Nordhavn is a station on the main S-train corridor running through Copenhagen city centre, although this station is already a bit outside the inner city, next to Copenhagen Port in the northern part of the city. Important streets near Nordhavn Station include Strandboulevarden, Kalkbraenderihavnsgade, Ostbanegade, and Nordre Frihavnsgade. Nordhavn is on the eastern end of Osterbro district. It is the closest S-train station to Osterbro and Parken stadiums.

Hotels close to Nordhavn Railway Station

There are only few hotels close to Nordhavn Train Station. You can find a few hotels in Osterbro district, but in general there are much better places for accommodation in Copenhagen, and many of them have excellent and very frequent S-train connections to Nordhavn (see below).

Popular hotel locations near Copenhagen S-train stations

The S-train stations following after Nordhavn in the city centre direction are among the best hotel locations in Copenhagen. The station immediately after Nordhavn is Osterport, with several good hotels and near Copenhagen’s best known symbol, the Little Mermaid.

More hotels than near Osterport (and far more than near Nordhavn) are available around Norreport Station, which is the main interchange of S-trains and metro in Copenhagen city centre, 2 stops from Nordhavn.

Finally, the highest concentration of hotels in the whole Copenhagen is around Vesterport and Copenhagen Main Train Station (they are very close to one another, 3 and 4 stops from Nordhavn).

Copenhagen Nordhavn Station hotel booking

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