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Hotels near Nyhavn in Copenhagen

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Nyhavn in Copenhagen

Nyhavn means “new harbour” or “new port” in Danish, but is quite old – it was built in the second half of 17th century. Originally Nyhavn was a port and marketplace, but in these days it serves tourism and recreation; Nyhavn is the main departure point of Copenhagen Canal and Harbour Tours. Besides its coloured houses and boats being probably the most typical picture of Copenhagen, Nyhavn is one of the best restaurant and entertainment areas in Copenhagen.

Nyhavn location

Nyhavn is adjacent to Kongens Nytorv, the main square near the Royal Palace (Amalienborg) at one end of Stroget (the long shopping street). Other streets and places near Nyhavn include Sankt Annae Plads (another, much quieter square on the way to Amalienborg), Havnegade, Bredgade, and Holmens Kanal. The nearest metro station and bus stop is at Kongens Nytorv.

Hotels near Nyhavn in Copenhagen

As a popular tourist area, Nyhavn has a good selection of hotels and accommodation facilities. There are at least 10-12 hotels (mostly with 3 or 4 stars) in the small area marked by Amalienborg in the north, Kongens Nytorv in the west, and Holmens Kanal Street in the south-west – with Nyhavn in the middle. While 3 star hotels are concentrated between Nyhavn and Holmens Kanal, 4 star hotels can be found around Sankt Annae Plads between Nyhavn and the Royal Palace. Walking distance from all these hotels to Nyhavn is less than 5 minutes.

Other popular hotel locations near Nyhavn

More hotels are located in Bredgade (the main street between Kongens Nytorv and Amalienborg) and especially in and near Stroget, the famous long shopping street, which starts at the other side of Kongens Nytorv (across the square from Nyhavn). After some 15-20 minutes walking, Stroget takes you from Kongens Nytorv to Radhuspladsen (City Hall Square), close to Tivoli Amusement Park and Copenhagen Main Railway Station – this area has the highest concentration of hotels in the whole city.

Copenhagen Nyhavn hotel booking

Nyhavn and Kongens Nytorv represent a very popular and very prestigious hotel location in Copenhagen. It is highly recommended to book accommodation in advance, especially if you are not flexible with the dates of your stay in Copenhagen.

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