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Hotels near Copenhagen City Hall (Radhus)

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Book a hotel near Copenhagen City Hall now

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Copenhagen Radhus (City Hall)

Copenhagen City Hall (Københavns Rådhus or just Rådhuset) is situated across the street from Tivoli Park in Copenhagen city centre. It dominates a large square, Radhuspladsen (City Hall Square). Several important streets meet at Radhuspladsen in front of the City Hall: the long shopping street Stroget, H. C. Andersens Boulevard, and Vesterbrogade (the street with several good hotels). Smaller streets close to Copenhagen City Hall include Vester Voldgade, Farvergade, Lavendelstraede, and Bag Radhuset (literally Behind the City Hall).

Hotels close to Copenhagen City Hall

Copenhagen City Hall is perfectly located close to most interesting places and tourist attractions in Copenhagen. Radhuspladsen is an important public transport hub with frequent connections to more distant parts of the city. The area near Copenhagen City Hall is also a very popular hotel location. Most hotels near Radhuset have 3 or 4 stars, but you will also find many 2 star hotels (most 2 star hotels in Denmark are more like 3 star hotels in other countries, both on quality and room rates). If you are looking for luxury, the typical 4 and 5 star hotel address in Copenhagen is Vesterbrogade, which starts at Radhuspladsen.

Other popular hotel locations near Radhus

Another popular hotel location close to Copenhagen City Hall, with probably the highest concentration of hotels in the whole city, is behind Copenhagen Main Railway Station (Kobenhavn H), especially Colbjornsensgade, Helgolandsgade, and Istedgade. To get to these streets, walk down Vesterbrogade for about 5 minutes from Radhuspladsen (pass Tivoli Park entrance), until you get to the place where Vesterbrogade goes over the railroad tracks between Kobenhavn H and Vesterport – then turn left to one of the above mentioned hotel streets.

Copenhagen City Hall hotel booking

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