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Bus from Milan to Copenhagen

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Milano to Copenhagen distance

Milan (Italy) and Copenhagen (Denmark) are quite far from one another, at least on European terms. By road you need to travel more than 1,400 km and cross the Alps and the whole Germany on the way. One advantage is that most of the driving is done on comfortable highways.

Bus from Milano to Copenhagen

Given the long distance, it is not common to travel by bus from Milano to Copenhagen and there are no regular direct connections between the two cities. You will need to change bus in some other city – the best option is probably Berlin, Germany, which is on the way from Milan to Copenhagen with little diversion.

Buses Milano – Berlin – Copenhagen

Bus from Berlin to Copenhagen

Eurolines operate a very frequent bus service (at least 2 pairs of buses on most days) between Copenhagen and Berlin. It takes about 7 or 7.5 hours from Berlin to Copenhagen. You can search buses and book ticket on Eurolines Scandinavia.

Bus from Milan to Berlin

Bus connections between Milan and Berlin are less frequent. The ride from Milan to Berlin takes roughly 17 hours and buses go overnight. Timetables and bus tickets are available on the website of Eurolines Italy.

Milan to Copenhagen bus stations

Bus stations in Milan

In Milan, long distance buses usually depart from Lampugnano Bus Station. Some buses to Berlin depart from Sesto San Giovanni – Piazza Primo Maggio.

Bus station in Berlin

The central long distance bus station in Berlin is Zentraler Omnibusbahnhof (ZOB) Am Funkturm (which means “by radio tower”).

Bus station in Copenhagen

In Copenhagen, Eurolines buses arrive at the bus station in Ingerslevsgade, next to DGI-Byen and very close to Copenhagen Central Train Station.

These are the usual bus stations for international buses in Milan, Berlin, and Copenhagen. The locations can be different for your particular bus. Make sure you know the exact location before you travel.

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