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Hotels near Emdrup Station in Copenhagen

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Book a hotel near Emdrup S-train Station now

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Emdrup Train Station in Copenhagen

Emdrup is a suburb of Copenhagen located north of the city centre, north-west of Osterbro, north of Bispebjerg, and south-west of Hellerup. Emdrup S-train Station is the main public transport hub in Emdrup. It is situated near the crossing of Emdrupvej and Tuborgvej (two main streets in Emdrup), next to Danmarks Paedagogiske Universitetsskole. Emdrup is the next S-train stop after Ryparken, or 4 stops from Osterport Station.

Hotels close to Emdrup S-train Station

The number of hotels in and near Emdrup is very low. Emdrup is mainly a quiet residential area without major tourist attractions.

Popular hotel locations with direct S-train connections to Emdrup

Unless you need to spend all the time in Emdrup, it is usually better to find accommodation closer to Copenhagen city centre. There are many hotels of various price and quality categories near major Copenhagen S-train stations, which have direct and frequent connections to Emdrup Station. Popular hotel locations in the city centre are particularly Copenhagen Main Railway Station (named Kobenhavn H in the S-train network), Vesterport, and Norreport. It takes 10-15 minutes to get from Emdrup to these stations.

Copenhagen Emdrup Station hotel booking

Many hotels in Copenhagen are often sold out in advance. It is recommended to book accommodation early, especially in the summer season or if you want to come for a weekend.

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