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Hotels near Danshoj Station in Copenhagen

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Book a hotel near Copenhagen Danshoj Station now

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Copenhagen Danshoj S-Train Station

Danshoj is located among Valby, Frederiksberg, Rodovre, and Vigerslev in a mainly residential area in the south-west of Copenhagen. Danshoj Train Station is an important junction of S-train lines. Neighbouring S-train stops are Valby, Alholm, Hvidovre, and Vigerslev Alle. Major streets near Danshoj Station are Valby Langgade, Vigerslevvej, and Vigerslev Alle.

Hotels close to Danshoj Train Station

There are not many hotels close to Danshoj Station. This part of Copenhagen is quite far outside the main tourist and hotel districts in the city centre. You can find a few hotels closer to the other nearby S-train stations near Danshoj.

Other hotel locations near Danshoj Station

Stations with high concentration of hotels in surrouding streets are particularly those on the main Copenhagen S-train corridor going through the city centre, such as Copenhagen Main Railway Station (Kobenhavn H), Vesterport, Norreport, or Dybbolsbro (the latter is the closest to Danshoj, only 3 stops or 5 minutes away). Train services between Danshoj and the good “hotel” stations are very frequent.

Copenhagen Danshoj Station hotel booking

Book your hotel well in advance, particularly if you are not very flexible with the dates of your planned stay in Copenhagen.

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